Tu all de american pipol:
Let us help you. We experts in situeishons conocids as inundeishon.
Primerou: put documents in a nylon plastic bag, nacimientou act, predial bill, marriage act, etc.
Do not construct a bard in the door of your house. It is
Do not drink water of inundeishon. It is poo, caca and shit from the carcams.
If you are hungry mucho hambre, go to the supermarket and break the pared o the door and enter to get food, water... and TV screen, beer and trago and cigars. It is important to rescat all of this mercancy becaus it is going to go to the water
Go to the local TV channel and say on air: We are envergued. It will make other pipol laugh and will raise their spirit. They will remember you forever.
Dont go to
Never say there are dead persons. It is a terrible idea. It is better people think you are mentiros, than they thinkin yu are
Use costaleishon. Muchos. There will never be enof costaleishon.
Aprend to sleep in colchonets and catres.
Never apag the TV. If it is posible, watch TVT all day.
If your planning to go to the gobernator house, intent to llegar temprano, because the cola will be very long with too much pipol. But no worri, always is a lot of despensas, muchas.
Plis sleep calm, but be alert.
If you contact federal autorities, ask for Fonden, and when you consig it, invest all the money in construction. As a sugerence we recommend CanCun.
We will send apoyo. Tomorrow our best people will take an ADO bus to get there tan pront as posible. Carmito Escayola is the responsable for giving
Mr Cuco Roviros, is the despens delegad.
Mister Evaristo will let you use his dragon (dont worri, is a machin and aguanta vara)
Mr Alí will make you laugh. In this situeishons allways is good to laugh.
Dont panic. If the thing gets ugly, go to the catedral. We know that the catedral is the point more alto of the city.
PD is you see this guys, RUN! and tell it to quien more confianz you have.
(esquiusmi for mi bad inglish).
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